Ein-Sterne-Bewertungen für Klassiker

Auf der Tumblr-Seite "One-Star Book Reviews" gibt es eine Sammlung von teilweise grandiosen Ein-Sterne-Bewertungen (hauptsächlich) zu Klassikern.

Einige Beispiele:

William Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!
"Too many words. Just look at the title, it’s twice as long as it needs to be."

Fjodor Dostojewski - Der Idiot
"The most Russian thing I have ever read"

Edward Gibbon - Verfall und Untergang des Römischen Reiches
"Maybe the Romans read it and got so bored that they decided to dissolve their empire."

John Steinbeck - Jenseits von Eden
"Recommended to me by someone I thought I could trust."

Henry James - Bildnis einer Dame
"Judging by the way he writes his female characters, Henry James either was never actually exposed to women, or the ones he met were given lobotomies at age 7."

Louise Erdrich - Das Haus des Windes
"was probably written before the invention of fun."

Sophokles - Antigone
"I didnt like it due to it not interesting me."

William Golding - Herr der Fliegen
"If this book was a horse, I would shoot it!"

Anna Sewell - Black Beauty
"Boring as hell. Horses don’t do shit."

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